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Screencast-o-matic (SoM) 101

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Educators and students turn to Screencast-O-Matic for easy video communication. Videos are used in the classroom for flipped/blended learning, video conversations, student assignments, feedback and more!

Screencasts are videos that include your computer screen alone or your computer screen plus your webcam. They are used to deliver content (e.g. video lectures) and to demonstrate (e.g. how to use software), among other things. One of the most popular, useful, and easiest to use tool for screencasting is Screencast-o-matic (SoM).

You can create a free account with SoM that will allow you to “try out” the tool and see what you think of it. There are a few limitations (e.g. 15-minute time limit for video length) but it’s certainly enough to get you started!

Regis College has a specific number of site licenses for SoM available. If you need the “pro” version of the editor, require more than 15-minutes recording time, or have a specific need that requires the advanced version, then you can request access using this form: Screencast-o-matic Access Request Form.


Resources from SoM


Resources from Regis CII

Resources from Regis Faculty

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